doing her job. Loud and deep,
the sound continues on and on.
She does not back down.
The big brown beast stands too close to her territory
- to her domain - the one she is called to defend.
she knows who she is and why she is on this earth...
It is bred into her;
she cannot ignore it.
The angry brown 2000 pound buffalo does not even make her flinch.
She will do what she is called to do
- no matter what.
Yes, a week ago, my dog took on a buffalo, and the buffalo almost took her on until he was herded back toward his field via police escort.
See Anatolian Shepherds and Great White Pyrenees are bred to protect and defend flocks of sheep and goats, mostly, traditionally. It is what they do. They know this is what they do, and my dog is a mix of these two breeds. She did not herd the buffalo that day; she is not a Collie. Herding is not her job. She barked and defended.
She never backed down, sure of her calling.
Daily, she stays between my son and the backyard fence at all times, doing her job. At 85 pounds, she has a presence. She romps and plays, but she is never off duty. . .never.
She will stop in the middle of a game with her face half buried in the sand to protect her perimeter, and most days, she is protecting us from joggers she does not know or the next door neighbor's Chihuahua that likes to sneak out of the house.
But, that day, she barked and barked, angering the buffalo and doing her job -
confident...fierce...and true...
She was ready . . .sure of her calling.