We, The Church, do solemnly promise to embrace the name church. We understand that we, the people of God, ARE the church and that God has called us to come together as a community to act like the church to perform the function of the church. We will open our doors and our hearts to all those who enter seeking, searching, wandering lost and hungry for the things of God. We are the people of God who, by his Grace perform the functions of the body of Christ through his Church. Our church will call itself a church so we will be the the City on the Hill and the Light to the world. The lost and lonely will know they can come here and find God. We are Jesus' Church. We will honor him and his name for us, the church. There will be no doubt where we stand and to whom we kneel.
Dear God, help us to know and do your will embracing all you have for us as his church never wavering in our determination and faithfulness to hear your voice and follow your way. May we focus only on you in this worship space. We invite you here. Amen.