The I Am is now and in this moment. The Word does not return void. Let it speak.
Jesus came to us, the little dust people (Anne Graham Lotz), to seek us out and to save us, the lost.
Is it possible we are too distracted by our musical styles and forms of casual dress in Church?
Are we so busy being relevant that we have missed the savior in a Divine saving moment?
The relevance of Christ is.
The I Am is now - in this moment - in this place -
The I Am is now - in this moment - in this place -
People will be drawn to Christ and to Christ in us. That is the relevance. Pain the in the heart of humankind is what makes us relevant or universally attractive because it is God who reaches in to touch the pain and binding hearts and heads to himself.
Some days the best I can hope for is that somehow God's light shines through my day-to-day and reaches people in ways I may never know. Dear Jesus, may we commit to the mystery of Your Abiding self in us.
Holy Spirit come and be poured out in us.
Holy Spirit come and be poured out in us.
Amen!! THE GREAT I AM ! Not was or will be but Now. Truth powerful and invigorating.