Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Meeting at Calvary

My son is attending a new school named Calvary Episcopal School. I find myself making notes on my calendar / phone to try to remember all the meetings and special events. When it comes time to put in the location of the parent meeting, craft fair, or Christmas Pageant, I find my self typing "Calvary."

Before I type the word, I pause. Each time I freeze and see the face of Jesus. Then, I realize how often I fail to meet him, at Calvary, on my knees. . .really envisioning him . . . the cross. Even the word Calvary is largely absent from my daily vocabulary.

I think this school might teach me as I walk past the stained glass windows and through the garden to pick up my son at Calvary.


  1. I am speechless. Thank you for writing this. I love you...for so many reasons.

  2. God's son, your son, our grandson--and Calvary. Thank you, Jesus, for Calvary.

  3. What a great reminder of the direction our lives should be facing! Thanks.
